Ahsha Safaí for District 11 Supervisor

Hello John - 

I am proud to announce that the San Francisco Labor Council (SFLC) has endorsed our campaign for re-election as District 11 Supervisor! Thank you to the hard working families that support our movement. 

The SFLC serves as a coalition of the labor movement in San Francisco. Over 150 unions are affiliated with the SFLC, representing more than 100,000 union members and their families. I have always been committed the SFLC's mission to improve the lives of workers, their families, and our community – to bring economic justice to the workplace and social justice to the nation

I am honored to have the support of the SFLC and working families across the City and County of San Francisco. 



Paid for by Ahsha Safaí for Supervisor 2020 • FPPC #1378961
Financial disclosures are available at sfethics.org.


Ahsha Safaí for District 11 Supervisor · United States
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