Save the date! On Thursday, September 24, 2020, come together for Unite to CURE Epilepsy, a bold, new virtual fundraising event, showcasing tenacity, discovery, and hope. This live streamed event is designed to transcend geography, bringing you, our supporters, together to team up and raise critically needed funds to help CURE achieve our mission of finding a cure for epilepsy.
Unite to CURE Epilepsy will be hosted by Mike Barnicle, award-winning journalist and contributor to MSNBC’s Morning Joe, whose daughter, Julia, has epilepsy. It will feature inspirational performances by world-class entertainers, moving stories from the community, and informative updates from leading scientists who will give you a look into the world of epilepsy research.
Join us, and invite your friends and family to join too, as we Unite to CURE Epilepsy. It's with tenacity, discovery, and hope that we will continue to fund the research necessary to find a cure.
Stay tuned! More information about this exciting event is coming soon.