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Just News

for July 16, 2020

News and views from the National Community Reinvestment Coalition. Find more at For continuous updates, follow us on Twitter and Facebook.


Despite Gaping Holes In Government Data, Tests Show PPP Borrowers Faced Discrimination
An NCRC study that used testers who talked directly with banks about loans to help their small businesses stay open during the coronavirus pandemic found that White applicants were treated better than Black applicants. [Read more]

Civil Rights Groups Commend Top Mortgage Lenders And Industry Leaders For Urging HUD To Reconsider Disparate Impact Rule
NCRC and other civil rights organizations also renew their push for HUD to cancel its plan to weaken the Disparate Impact rule. [Read more]

Field Notes

Young Scholar Starts At The Intersection Of Residential Segregation And Health
When our communications team was asked to review and possibly publish an article by Julia Perrino, we were immediately impressed with her writing ability. When we realized she was in high school, we knew we had to do a complemental story just on her.  [Read more]

The Expansion Of Telemedicine Underscores Existing Disparities In Healthcare Access
The COVID-19 pandemic has led to an increased use of telemedicine, demonstrating the benefits of remote care. It has also amplified disparities in healthcare. [Read more]


Government Data On PPP Loans Is Mostly Worthless, But It’s Not Too Late To Fix It
The SBA didn’t require demographic data and most PPP applications didn’t include it. [Read more]

Federal Regulators Should Refrain From Making A True Lender Rule
In the coming weeks, we expect the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) to propose a rule for the “true lender” doctrine, an act that will have a negative impact on the ability of states to protect their residents from high-cost lending. [Read more]

Advancing Corporate Commitment To Racial Economic Justice
Corporations across the country are pledging action and millions of dollars of investment into “racial justice” causes, yet there has been very little movement in one of the easiest areas to make advancement: racial and ethnic representation and procurement by corporations. [Read more]


Resources To Help Support The Black Lives Matter Movement
If you are interested in supporting Black Lives Matter, these resources may be helpful for you. [Read more]

NCRC COVID-19 Resource Page
We've compiled and are updating an index of COVID-19 resources for communities, small businesses, individuals and organizations that serve them, such as housing counseling agencies. [Read more]

Upcoming Events

A conversation with Nikole Hannah-Jones: Reparations and Beyond
July 21, 1-2:30 pm ET
Join NCRC for a conversation between Pulitzer Prize-winning creator of the 1619 Project Nikole Hannah-Jones and NCRC CEO Jesse Van Tol, facilitated by journalist Oscar Perry Abello. [Register now]

Through the Storm: Wisdom from Community Development Leaders
July 23, 1-2:30 pm ET
Join NCRC for a discussion with strong visionary community development leaders as they share insights, challenges, and leadership strategies. [Register now]

Federal Agency Strategies For Reducing Elder Fraud
August 4, 1-2 pm ET
Join NCRC to discuss efforts addressing scams targeting the elderly. [Register now]

In the News

Black Business Owners Had a Harder Time Getting Federal Aid, a Study Finds
A new study looked at how more than a dozen Washington-area banks handled requests for loans under the federal government’s Paycheck Protection Program. It was conducted by the National Community Reinvestment Coalition, a nonprofit in Washington, in partnership with researchers from universities in Utah and New Jersey. [New York Times]

Black Applicants Faced Discrimination In Securing PPP Loans, Study Finds
The National Community Reinvestment Coalition sent Black and white testers with similar profiles to talk to banks about securing PPP loans to help their small businesses stay afloat during the coronavirus crisis. They found “different levels of encouragement to apply for loans, different products offered and different information provided by bank representatives.” [Politico]

White Paycheck Protection Program Borrowers Were Treated Better Than Black Borrowers, Study Says
A new study claims white applicants looking to secure Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans to help small businesses stay afloat during the coronavirus pandemic were treated more fairly than Black applicants. The study conducted by the National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC) sent Black and white borrowers with similar credit and asset characteristics to talk directly with banks about the federal loans. [The Hill]

The Simplest Way To Close The Racial Wealth Gap? Direct Cash Payments
Here’s Dedrick Asante-Muhammad's proposal: give $20,000 to every American with an enslaved ancestor, every year, for 20 years. Dedrick Asante-Muhammad is the chief of race, wealth, and community at the National Community Reinvestment Coalition. [The Guardian]

A West Woodlawn Native Wants To Right Redlining Wrongs With Some Greenlining — And He’s Starting In The Neighborhood Where He Grew Up
McMorris, a Washington, D.C.-based real estate developer and civil rights activist, has formed a new property redevelopment firm meant to right the wrongs of redlining, in partnership with the National Community Reinvestment Coalition. [Chicago Tribune]

Redlining in America: How a history of housing discrimination endures
Cities could also take action by revising their zoning policies to promote more diversity and inclusion, said Jesse Van Tol, CEO of the National Community Reinvestment Coalition. [Thomson Reuters Foundation]

Pandemic Hits Housing Affordability Where It Already Hurts
Parts of the Bay Area, particularly San Francisco and Oakland, have been subject to some of the highest rates of gentrification in the nation, according to a new study by the National Community Community Reinvestment Coalition. [Stanford Daily]

On Our Radar

Trump Financial Regulator Quietly Shelved Discrimination Probes Into Lenders
At least six investigations into discriminatory mortgage loan “redlining” have been halted or stalled — against staff recommendations — under the Trump administration’s Office of the Comptroller of the Currency. [ProPublica]

Opinion | Racial Justice Requires Ending Policy Discriminations that Thwart Economic Equity
The fundamental American ideal is that every individual is entitled to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” But the fullness of the American Dream has remained persistently elusive for generations of Black Americans. [The Hill]

Don't Use Coronavirus As Excuse to Close Branches, OCC Says
Despite the pandemic, Brooks said the OCC is not prepared to let banks skirt existing regulations when it comes to closing branches. 

"I think the idea of, 'We'll just go ahead and let branches abandon our cities' — I think we'd regret that on the back end of this," he told the Financial Times. [Banking Dive]

#AfterThis: A Virtual Hug
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