For the past three and one-half years, our country has suffered from a lack of leadership from the Trump administration. Now, our communities are in grave danger as COVID-19 spirals out of control, especially where Trump's influence is strongest. The latest? His new home: Florida; and by his own hand: Tulsa, Oklahoma.
At the rally in Tulsa, Trump told his supporters that he demanded health officials "slow the testing down" to prevent the public from learning about the full extent of the pandemic. Days later the administration announced it would cut direct funding to 13 Community-Based Testing Sites, seven of which were in Texas.
As our nation faces a once-in-a-century pandemic, in an election year, Trump's priority is to try to cover up his incompetence – and I won't stand for it. Sign my petition and tell Trump: "Public health is more important than your poll numbers. Fund COVID-19 testing NOW."
Sign the Petition