
The nature of work is changing rapidly. Not all workers want 9-to-5 jobs. 

At a time when the demand for and interest in independent contracting, freelance, and gig economy jobs is exploding, state and federal governments are doubling down in their efforts to regulate and restrict them. 

Join us in protecting independent contracting jobs by signing our petition today.

Independent contractors are a growing share of the American workforce—now holding 1 in 5 jobs, from handymen to freelance journalists to photographers. 35% of the workforce does freelancing. And around 6.8 million workers use independent contracting as an extra source of income. 

We must protect this growing workforce. 

The pandemic and subsequent recession have led to an overwhelming demand for gig economy services—from Instacart grocery delivery services to Uber drivers to Handy cleaners to caregivers—and have highlighted the importance of independent workers… and work. 

But now this kind of work is under attack.

States like California have passed radical and restrictive laws that completely alter, if not outright dissolve, independent contracting relationships. Their legislation, AB5, threatens both independent contractors and employers by forcing businesses to reclassify independent contractors as employees. 

Done under the pretense of “protecting workers’ rights,” this has cost independent contractors work, income, and the flexibility and freedom they value. 

To make matters worse, the federal government has considered sweeping legislation that would impose similar restrictions on all workers throughout the country. 

It’s reckless… and senseless. 

Join the fight to protect independent contractors’ flexibility and freedom.


Patrice Onwuka