You can do something about it. Twice as much in fact...
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Antisemitism Hit a Record High in 2019

Here’s what you can do about it...

Dear John,

Poway. Jersey City. Monsey. If you follow the news, you know there was a wave of antisemitic violence last year unlike any in recent memory.

If you’ve looked over ADL’s latest Audit of Antisemitic Incidents, you know the American Jewish community has experienced its highest level of antisemitism since we began tracking over 40 years ago.

And while attention has naturally been focused of late on the devastating effects of the coronavirus pandemic and the racial injustices laid bare in the aftermath of George Floyd’s murder, we need to combat antisemitism and all hate, even as we call for justice. We know that no community is safe when others are being attacked or denied their humanity.

We cannot stand idly by. You can be part of the solution, John! In fact, right now you can do twice as much thanks to a limited time matching gift opportunity.

From the incidents above that garnered nationwide news coverage to the thousands of other cases of assaults, vandalism and harassment that largely slip under the media radar... Your support helps ADL counter this upsurge in antisemitism and hate:

  • You help ADL’s Center on Extremism prevent more assaults against Jews, and members of the Black and LGBTQ+ communities by violent extremists, like that of would-be bomber Conor Climo;
  • Your support can help stop hate crimes like a multistate vandalism ring orchestrated by the Base, a dangerous neo-Nazi organization;
  • You ensure victims and communities have the resources they needed when harassment and bullying threatened to tear them apart, as a Florida high school recently experienced.

The need right now to respond... to counter hate of all kinds... is more urgent than ever. Please make your gift of $50, $75 or $100 today, so you can double your impact and help keep up the fight.

I know you can make a difference because — although reported incidents rose last year — these numbers would have been even higher if not for committed supporters like you.

With extremists exploiting both the Covid-19 pandemic and the ongoing civil rights protests to spread fear and hate, the number of antisemitic incidents may very well grow once again this year.

But together we will continue to fight the spread of hate. Please, Fight Hate For Good now.

We’re changing the world, together!

JG signature
Jonathan Greenblatt
CEO and National Director

P.S. The incidents I mentioned above — which I will tell you more about in the coming days — are just the tip of the iceberg. There were almost 2,200 incidents of antisemitism last year — and those are just the ones that were reported!

We must all be vigilant and proactive to Fight Hate For Good. Support ADL’s critical work today. Send your gift now while a fellow ADL supporter is offering to match all gifts up to $75,000 through August 17.

Make A Gift Now