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Each year SPN's Annual Meeting brings the Network together to be inspired and discover state-based solutions for addressing the needs and challenges that communities, families, and individuals are facing.

Network innovation and strategy for the year ahead starts at SPN Annual Meeting. Don't miss out, register now! We look forward to welcoming you.
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What to Expect at SPN's Virtual Annual Meeting

Professional Development

Learn the skills you need to thrive in the "new normal" and get tools and tips to improve your day-to-day tasks.

The Future of Education

Find out what is on the horizon for education policy and schooling options in the wake of this year's big education disruption.

Lessons Learned

Discover the impact the pandemic has had on legislative priorities and what it means for your 2021 priorities and legislative strategy. 


Gain inspiration and be challenged to take your work to the next level.


What's Next in Healthcare

Get insights into what states can do to strengthen healthcare supply and access for all Americans.

Community Outreach

Explore how partnering with local communities can transform policy solutions and results.
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