
On Tuesday, the people of TX-24 made their decision, and unfortunately, it is not the decision we were hoping for.
This hurts. But I’m also encouraged by the excitement felt across Texas and the country for Democratic candidates who will bring much-needed change to Washington. I'm calling on everyone who supported my campaign with your time, talent, and treasure to get back in the fight and do everything possible to turn TX-24 blue.
This campaign has taught me so much. I've connected with the voters of TX-24, experts in a wide variety of fields, and everyday Texans passionate about changing their communities for the better. I've been encouraged by the hard work of my staff and volunteers, who put in countless hours on the phones, at the doors, and all across the district.
But I've also seen the power that dark money can have in influencing elections, and I'm even more convinced that special interest groups with deep pockets remain a huge threat to our democracy.
When I started my campaign, America was facing a crisis of leadership -- today, that truth is further highlighted by a public health crisis of a magnitude we haven't seen in a century. We need strong leadership now more than ever, and I am going to do everything in my power to ensure we get it.
Lastly, I want to thank you for everything you’ve done for my campaign. From the volunteers that gave their time to the thousands of donors across the country to those of you that sent your well-wishes. I thank you all.
Thank you for joining me in this battle,
Kim Olson
Kim Olson is a farmer, combat veteran, and champion for education. After 25 years in the Air Force, Kim served three years in the Texas State Guard and started a non-profit to help women veterans.