Dear John,

Fight for pollinators and our food system: Donate $10 to Friends of the Earth before it’s too late!

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Our window to protect bees and other pollinators is closing. Each year, the warning signs grow more dire, as more and more species are threatened. Today, 40% of invertebrate pollinators are at risk of extinction. Can you rush a $10 donation to Friends of the Earth to help protect pollinators?

Bees are essential to our ecosystem and our food system -- without them we could lose one out of every three bites of food we eat! Their populations have been declining for decades largely driven by widespread pesticide use. Now, to make matters worse, the EPA is rolling back even more environmental protections, while companies like Bayer-Monsanto push for unfettered use of toxic pesticides across the country.

Friends of the Earth has a plan to save the pollinators by passing bold new legislation and stopping these threats at their source. We need your support to make it happen.

Take action now: Send a $10 donation to Friends of the Earth and power this work.

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Since 2019, our team has been fighting for two laws that, if passed, would be game-changers in the fight to protect bees and other small pollinators: The Save America’s Pollinators Act and the Ban Toxic Pesticides Act.

These bills, together, would ban some of the most destructive and deadly pesticides on the market -- including neonics and chlorpyrifos -- and ensure comprehensive and permanent safeguards for our pollinators.

Our plan is working. Members like you have already sent over 30,000 messages to support this crucial legislation. It’s working here, just like it worked recently when Friends of the Earth members helped us stop the Atlantic Coast Pipeline. Cities around the world, the European Union, and countries like France, have all taken action to ban pesticides -- thanks to an organized people’s movement who never backed down. Now, it’s our turn.

We know that people power can win these fights, but our adversaries are spending big money to stop these bills from passing.

Donate $10 or more to Friends of the Earth today and make sure these critical protections get passed.

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Big Ag and their allies in positions of power are doing everything they can to block the passage of these laws and continue business as usual -- a status quo that could destroy our food system. Just like the fossil fuel industry, they’re using big money to try to silence our voices, and delay action at every turn. We know that people power can beat big money, but every delay is a death sentence to millions of pollinators. Even one more year of inaction could push us across tipping points and make recovery impossible. We can’t let that happen.

We need action at every level to protect pollinators and prevent ecosystem collapse. This means national and statewide bans on toxic pesticides, a groundswell of public pressure to convince big brands and retailers to shift away from these poisons, and people like you supporting our work to make these changes a reality.

At Friends of the Earth, we’ve never been interested in band-aid fixes. We have a clear-eyed, grounded plan to win protections across the board and ensure permanent safety and security for pollinators. We can’t do it without you.

Our pollinators can’t wait. Join the fight to protect them: Chip in $10 or more today!

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With hope,
Lisa Archer,
Food and agriculture program director,
Friends of the Earth
