

The Jewish Policy Center Presents:

The More Things Change...


Our Summer 2020 issue features:

An interview with BG Assaf Orion, IDF (Res.)

The World Needs American Leadership After COVID-19 - Mark Meirowitz
Maximize Pressure on Iran: Fortify the Sanctions Wall - Behnam Ben Taleblu, Mark Dubowitz, and Richard Goldberg
Russia in the Middle East: Are We at an Inflection Point? - Stephen Blank
Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States Under Stress - Simon Henderson
Iraq Tries to Separate Itself from Iran - Entifadh Qanbar
COVID-19 and Erdogan’s Power Consolidation - Aykan Erdemir
Resilience: Israel’s Reaction to the COVID-19 Epidemic - Lenny Ben-David
COVID-19 Has Not Eased Threats to Israel - Yossi Kuperwasser
Egypt’s Struggle to Coexist with COVID-19 - Ofir Winter and Tzvi Lev
China’s Censorship, Propaganda & Disinformation - Daniel Blumenthal and Linda Zhang
Lebanon: Hezbollah Takes Over Central Bank and Telecoms - Hanin Ghaddar 

Shoshana Bryen reviews Tevi Troy's Fight House

JPC Executive Director Matthew Brooks says, "The Summer 2020 issue of inFOCUS looks at changes in our world and how the United States should proceed. Different priorities for some, different resources for others. Different allies, different adversaries. Strengthened and weakened allies, strengthened and weakened adversaries. All of these will need to be understood and accounted for."

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