Local Groups have moved temporarily online too! Positive Money Devon have hosted webinars so they can keep tackling the big issues facing our money and banking system. If you’d like to get involved or host your own, join in the conversation on our online forum, Mobilise.
In June we turned our sights back to the Bank of England and their broken bailout scheme: the Covid Corporate Financing Facility. Soon we were celebrating another win! The scheme was originally set up to hand out millions in public money to Britain’s biggest businesses in secret, but we quickly launched a campaign demanding the Bank come clean. Within a week we’d hit 5,000 signatures and within the month the Bank changed its policy and made details of the scheme public. A perfect example of the influence Positive Money can have when our policy prowess and passionate supporters join together!
Our research team continued to dive into the CCFF in July and published a report exposing the true social and environmental cost of these corporate bailouts. Our latest petition demanding the Bank of England attach strings to these bailouts is nearly at 10,000 signatures. Now we also know that ⅔ of the public are behind us, we’ve got no reason to slow down!
We’re keeping our eye on the war on cash that banks and card companies have ramped up during the coronavirus pandemic. We’re discussing with cash campaigners how we can intervene to not only protect cash, but promote it as a safe and democratic option.
July also saw some changes to our staff team. After five years leading our Policy and Advocacy work, valued team member David Clarke moved on. David’s hard work with Parliament helped build the strong political reputation Positive Money has today. He also spearheaded our work on protecting access to cash, writing the Future of Cash report, and giving dozens of media interviews to draw the spotlight onto the issue. He’ll be sorely missed but we wish him all the best! Danisha Kazi also joined us as our new Senior Economist, she jumped in feet first by contributing to the CCFF report and penning two blog posts so far on debt and unemployment. Across the channel, PoMo Europe is also picking up steam, welcoming Campaign Manager Paul Creeny and Economist Uuriintuya Batsaikhan to their team in the Spring. They’re currently on the look out for a Finance and Operations Manager - in case you know anyone who might be interested.
We're very proud of the achievements we've made in the last six months, but we also recognise this period has been challenging, frightening and full of heartache for many people. This has been a very tough time for many of us, but it is also a time to demand a brighter future, and to try and bring about the reforms Positive Money has been seeking for the last decade. We've been able to push for important changes because we've been building a resilient and powerful movement for years - people coming together to build a stronger, fairer future. Thank you for being part of it.
And the next 6 months? Keep an eye out in August for a new series of webinars tackling race, debt, inequality and how we can make the most of the magic money tree, while autumn will see Positive Money celebrate our 10 year anniversary. Though Covid-19 may interrupt some of our plans, we’ll surely still find a way to mark it.
Many thanks for all that you do,
Hannah, Rachel and the rest of the Positive Money team