Thursday, July 16th, 2020

A Brief History of the Freedom of Speech in America

Andrew P. Napolitano

The Covid Set-Up Is Now Fully in Play as CDC Outlines Plan for Death

Gary D. Barnett

Exposing Deception: Minimal Risk to the Healthy From COVID-19

Vasko Kohlmayer

I Love the Chinese

Allan Stevo.

9/11 News Coverage: How 36 Reporters Brought Us the Twin Towers’ Explosive Demolition on 9/11

Ted Walter and Graeme MacQueen

Our New Religion of Race

Steve Sailer

Cuomo Blames Nursing Homes for Following His Covid-19 Order That Killed Patients – After Removing It From Website

Who Should Be Shot?

Linh Dinh

Bill Gates Threat: ‘We’ll Have a Deadlier Pandemic’

Mac Slavo

Trump, Is Your Army Nothing More Than Heavy Tweets?

Jon Rappoport

Rise of Another CIA Yes Man

Ray McGovern

How a False Hydroxychloroquine Narrative Was Created

Dr. Joseph Mercola

LRC Blog

Political Theatre
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