July 15, 2020
In the wake of SHARK's release of our groundbreaking exposè on cockfighting in Kentucky, we were challenged by a cockfighter to debate - and we are taking this head on! On August 1, 2020, SHARK President Steve Hindi will travel to South Carolina to debate.
Watch our new video about the debate HERE
Watch our KY cockfighting investigation video HERE
A cockfighter challenged SHARK to debate after watching our video exposing cockfights, and we said, "Hell yes!"
•We will have more info about this debate in the near future.
Please contact KY Governor Andy Beshear and ask that he strengthen KY’s cockfighting laws. Also call on him to have the State Police and Sheriff's offices in Butler, McCreary and Clay counties investigated for their complicity in allowing cockfights to operate.
This is just one more in a long line of examples that shows not only how important SHARK's work is, but how unique and powerful a force SHARK is for the animals. Nobody has done more to stop rodeos, pigeon shoots, canned hunts and now cockfighting as well as the many other campaigns SHARK have taken on saving millions of animal lives. No one does what SHARK does, but without financial support, we are limited to what we can do.
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Kindest Regards,
Steve Hindi and Your SHARK Team