Friends – I'm worried.
I'm talking with Congresswoman Demings first thing tomorrow morning to go through our latest fundraising numbers, and I was hoping to bring her good news. But right now, we're falling $1,368 short of our mid-month goal, and it couldn't be worse.
We just missed our end-of-quarter goal – and the RNC is actively attacking us in an effort to win in Florida and dismantle our Democratic House majority. Falling short CANNOT happen again, friends, or we put this seat – and our only firewall against President Trump's agenda – in serious jeopardy.
The GOP going negative against the congresswoman means one thing: They're terrified. They know she's on the frontlines of holding the president to account for his corruption – so they're going ALL IN to defeat her.
As the congresswoman's Finance Director, it's my job to make sure she has what she needs to fight back and keep the House blue. But President Trump and the RNC alone have hundreds of millions of dollars to attack Democrats like Congresswoman Demings. The ONLY way we close this fundraising gap and defend our House majority is grassroots Democrats like YOU giving before it's too late.