News from Chrissy!

Dear John, 

This continues to be a trying time for our community, Commonwealth, and country. Across the United States, we 're witnessing a troubling upwards trend of COVID-19 cases. I want to make sure that our community has the most up-to-date and accurate information, which is why I'm hosting a COVID-19 town hall with medical experts. I also wanted to take a moment to share with you some significant updates from Washington about efforts I'm leading to support our community. 

In This E-Newsletter You Will Find:

Upcoming Events
— Including our upcoming Town Hall with Dr. Benjamin Abella, a renowned physician and public health expert, and Jeanne E. Casner, County Health Director at the Chester County Health Department.

What We're Working On — Including legislation to combat the spotted lanternfly infestation, encourage diversity in small business leadership, address the infrastructure needs of our community, and fight dangerous, cancer-causing chemicals - PFAS - in our drinking water.

Delivering For Our Community — Including a recent example of how we helped a constituent resolve her three-year-old problem with Medicare.

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Upcoming Events

Coronavirus Virtual Town Hall

Next week, I will be hosting my 25th Town Hall. We will be focused on the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. To help provide the most accurate information, I will be joined by Dr. Benjamin Abella, Attending Physician and Vice Chair of the Department of Emergency Medicine at Penn Medicine, and Jeanne E. Casner, the County Health Director at the Chester County Health Department. This will be a telephone town hall. 

Coronavirus Telephone Town Hall
You're invited to our 25th Town Hall.
Date: Thursday, July 23
Time: 10:05AM - 11:05AM
To Participate: At 10:05AM, please dial (855) 731-4616
Note: If you cannot participate, full recordings can be found on our Town Hall page.
What We're Working On

Securing Funding for Spotted Lanternfly Research

On July 10th, Rep. Glenn "GT" Thompson, a colleague from Eastern Pennsylvania, and I secured $16 million in USDA funding to eradicate the spotted lanternfly. This funding will support research into preventing the spread of and eventual eradication of the Spotted Lanternfly, an invasive and destructive insect species that has wreaked havoc on Pennsylvania’s agricultural sector and beyond. The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture estimates the potential damage and lost revenue could amount to $18 billion per year statewide. This success comes after leading a bipartisan effort in March to urge the House Committee on Appropriations to fund this program.

I continue to hear from farmers, homeowners, and agricultural leaders in our community about the destruction caused by the Spotted Lanternfly. I’m proud to have, for the second year in a row, secured funding for our community and Commonwealth to combat this invasive species. I’d like to acknowledge Penn State for innovative research on and contribution to the eradication of this harmful insect. It is crucial that we continue to put party aside and step up for our community’s farmers and for their crucial role in our economy. 

Diversity in Small Business

Last Friday, I launched an effort, along with Small Business Committee Chairwoman Nydia Velázquez and 28 members, to prioritize the recruitment and retention of diverse talent in our small business ecosystem, especially within the Small Business Investment Companies (SBICs). In a letter to SBA Administrator Carranza, I inquired about the current status of the Small Business Administration’s Open Network for Board Diversity (ONBOARD) initiative and other efforts to ensure diversity in decision-making roles. Study after study has shown inequities in access to capital for minority- and women-owned businesses. The letter cited as an exemplar former SBA Administrator Maria Contreras-Sweet’s partnership with LinkedIn and other professional organizations to help small businesses, especially those receiving SBIC funds, have diverse representation on their Board of Directors.

As we seek to build a more equitable nation, we need small businesses to reflect the diversity of this country and we achieve this when people from all backgrounds are represented at the highest levels of small business leadership and among those who make investment decisions. I want to make sure the Small Business Administration supports the ONBOARD initiative and similar programs aimed at ensuring diversity in decision-making roles. Our economy and country will be stronger and better for it.

Passing Necessary Infrastructure Funding

Earlier this month, I voted to pass H.R. 2, the Moving Forward Act, dynamic package of legislation that delivers the necessary funding to address crumbling infrastructure across the country. I have been adamant in my pursuit of bold and bipartisan infrastructure funding to fix the crumbling infrastructure in our community and Commonwealth. Last July, I stood in front of Reading’s Penn Street Bridge, a ‘poor-rated’ bridge that carries high volumes of commuters over the Schuylkill River, and announced my goal of bringing home federal dollars to our Commonwealth to address, among other things, the nearly 300 structurally deficient bridges in our community alone. The Moving Forward Act, I’m proud to say, takes this crucial first step. I urge the Senate to act swiftly and pass this bipartisan legislation now.

Addressing Harmful Chemicals

PFAS, or per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, are potentially harmful chemicals used in common household items that may be present in high quantities in public drinking water and in the water near many military bases and airports. In a recent defense policy bill, I worked with fellow Pennsylvania Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick to pass an amendment to more quickly find a safe replacement for PFAS chemicals. I am proud to be working across the aisle to protect our community and our service members.

Delivering for Our Community: Constituent Services 

Our office is about to hit a major milestone! We have returned nearly $3 MILLION to our community through our constituent services. But, what exactly does that mean? Well, we help folks with a variety of issues they are having with federal agencies. Here is one example from Nancy in West Chester who recently rated our constituent services as "Excellent" and is "Extremely likely" to refer someone who needs help to our office. A three-year-old error in the Medicare system was preventing her from being able to purchase Medicare Part B and her efforts to resolve the issue hadn't worked. She called our office and, within a couple of weeks, the error was fixed.

If you are having an issue with a Federal Agency, fill out our form and our team will contact you! We also invite you to read more success stories here

Our website is always a resource for you and your family. Whether you are looking for ways to help others, information on filing your taxes, or ideas to keep your children engaged in academics, you'll find what you're looking for at Or, if you'd rather talk with our staff, give us a call at (202) 225-4315.

Recently, we've archived all of our e-newsletters on our website. To view all of our updates, click here

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We want to hear from you. Please stay in touch and let us know what you thought of this e-newsletter. You can call one of our offices or fill out our contact form. As always, please subscribe to this e-newsletter to keep up with what is happening regarding coronavirus, our many events, and the work we're doing for Pennsylvanians. Feel free to pass this link along to friends of our community as well so they can keep in touch too. We're all in this together. 

1218 Longworth HOB
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-4315
M-F 9:00am-6:00pm
709 E. Gay Street
Suite 4
West Chester, PA 19380
Phone: (610) 883-5050
M, W, F 9:00am-5:00pm
T, Th 9:00am-7:00pm

815 Washington Street
Suite 2-48
Reading, PA 19601
Phone: (610) 295-0815
M, W, F 9:00am-5:00pm
T, Th 9:00am-7:00pm

 *Due to teleworking arrangements, in-person meetings are unavailable at this time. 
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