
Tonight at midnight we close the books on our mid-month fundraising deadline — our first deadline as the official Democratic nominee.

When it’s over, we’ll crunch the numbers to see if we’ve reached our $75,000 goal. We’ll also take a look at just how many people have pitched in.

We’re hoping to send John a long list of supporters who have chipped in to help our campaign before tonight’s deadline. We’re not taking a cent from corporate PACs, so the longer the list, the better our chances are for fighting back against the GOP’s attacks.

Everyone is looking at our campaign to see if we have what it takes to flip this seat and put Democrats one step closer to taking back the majority. Can John and our whole team count on your donation today?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

I really hope I see your name at the top of our list.

Thanks so much,

— M.E. Smith

M.E. Smith
Campaign Manager
Team Hick