Webinar July 28

With activists spending more time online than ever before, New Media Mentors is offering a not-to-be-missed webinar; Twitter Strategy: Hashtags, Live-Tweets and Influencers During COVID.

If you are an organizer or communicator who knows the basics of Twitter, this timely webinar will help you get more creative, strategic and up to date with your skills.

Register now and reserve your spot for our webinar July 28 at 1pm ET.

Can't join us live? The session will be recorded.

COVID has presented new challenges to groups who’ve based their social media content and plans on in-person actions and events. But there are creative ways around those challenges and new opportunities to engage your followers on Twitter in powerful ways. You will learn those here.

In this one-hour webinar, we will discuss how to:

  • Host tweet chats

  • Live-tweet rallies, online panels & news events

  • Engage with Influencers on Twitter

  • Choose strategic hashtags

  • Use pop culture in your Twitter content

  • Deal with the changes COVID may create in your strategy

If you already have the basics of Twitter down, this is the next step in using the platform more effectively. Tickets are $100 each with a limited number of scholarships available to small nonprofits-- so register today!

Elana Levin

Netroots Nation & New Media Mentors

PS: Live-tweeting Netroots Nation is a great way to build your Twitter following. This training will get you ready to use the upcoming conference to catapult your Twitter engagement to the next level. That hashtag is #NN20.

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