Watch EIE President and Other Top Experts Present at the Coalition To End Sexual Exploitation Online Global Summit
When: Donna's presentation will be made available to watch on-demand for 24 hours on July 22 starting 8 a.m. ET.

Where:  Registration is FREE for this ONLINE event, however, if you would like Lifetime Access to all event content, purchase the Lifetime All-Access pass using this link and a portion of your fee will help support the critical efforts of Enough Is Enough!

Why: Donna will join other top experts presenting on the issues and efforts to combat sexual exploitation throughout the July 18-28 event. Come join us as we fight for a world free from sexual abuse and exploitation!
Donna on The Bill Walton Show
Donna Rice Hughes, along with Colby May, Sr., Counsel & Director of the Washington Office of the American Center for Law and Justice, recently had the opportunity to share the scope of and connection between child sex abuse imagery, obscene pornography and child sex trafficking on The Bill Walton Show.
We Can't Keep Children & Families
Safe Online Without You!
Enough Is Enough® is a national bi-partisan non-profit organization who has led the fight to make the Internet safer for children and families since 1994. EIE's efforts are focused on combating Internet p*rnography, child p*rnography, sexual predation, sex trafficking, and cyberbullying by incorporating a three-pronged prevention strategy with shared responsibilities between the public, Corporate America, and the legal community.