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The most serious locust outbreak in 70 years is threatening famine in East Africa.
Dear John,
The situation in Somalia is chilling: thousands of locusts are shredding through natural resources that Somalians depend on. This is a crisis.

John, in an emergency like this, every action counts. That's why we're asking you, one of our most active supporters, to share these alarming facts.
Swarms of locusts have already destroyed hundreds of thousands of hectares of crops and pastureland in eight countries, including Somalia, and they threaten to spread wider.

Without intervention, 4.9 million people could be plunged into hunger and famine as a fourth round of desert locusts hatch and ravage crops across the Horn and East Africa.

As terrifying swarms of locusts descended upon Somalia, Sahal Farah of Docol, an IRC partner organization, reported to us the dire situation on the ground:
    "This is the worst locust invasion we have seen in our generation. It has destroyed pastures, contaminated water sources and displaced many pastoral households. The worst of all is that we do have the capacity to control it, and so far, we have not received any external support."
John, will you join us in raising awareness about this devastating crisis?
Experts predict this fourth generation of locust eggs, which is now hatching, will create a locust population 8,000 times larger than the current infestation. This coincides with the start of harvest season, and will be compounded by the COVID-19 pandemic.

As the situation deteriorates, malnourished children will be hit the hardest. In countries like South Sudan, years of conflict and fighting had already caused a severe food insecurity crisis, leaving over one million children suffering from acute malnutrition. With locusts destroying their food sources, these children are now at an extremely increased risk of starvation.

The IRC is working to mitigate the risk of famine for children and families who face the double burden of locusts and COVID-19.

Our teams on the ground are working to head off further damage by the locust swarms and scaling up cash assistance and farming support to reach 5,000 at-risk households. We are also providing health care and nutrition assistance across the region—including mobile health services to reach children in the most remote, hard-to-access areas.

John, we need your help to bring attention to the most serious locust outbreak in 70 years—one that will push millions of children and families to the brink of starvation. Please take a minute to share our crisis briefing. »

Thank you for standing with vulnerable children and families in East Africa and worldwide.

With humanity,

Emily Martin
Director, USA Digital Fundraising
International Rescue Committee

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