Remember hydroxychloroquine, Friend?
President Trump hyped it extensively in March and April as a potential treatment for COVID-19, but the Food and Drug Administration revoked permission for the drug to be used to treat COVID after studies showed that the drug actually did nothing to treat the illness, but did increase risks of heart attacks.
But the United States already bought 63 million doses of hydroxychloroquine, which are now sitting idle.1
After Trump started promoting hydroxychloroquine as a miracle cure, people who actually needed the drug to treat lupus or malaria reported shortages, and in some cases, price gouging. The price gouging is exactly what’s wrong with Big Pharma, and exactly why we need to stop them!
Drug Prices are Too High is a project dedicated to breaking Big Pharma’s iron grip on our government. Chip in $5 today!
We need a COVID response that’s based on science, not wishful thinking. I would love for schools to open and the economy to recover.
But the government didn’t close schools or businesses, the virus did.
And unless we get the virus under control, we can’t safely re-open schools and businesses.
A government stockpile of 62 million doses of hydroxychloroquine is a perfect monument to our government’s failed response to the pandemic.
Members of both parties are in bed with Pharma corporations, and we’re all paying the price. Drug Prices are Too High is a new campaign to defeat Big Pharma and build a new system out of justice! Chip in $5 today to defeat Big Pharma!
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Alex Lawson Drug Prices are Too High (A project of Social Security Works)