Democrats have the chance to take back the Senate in November. But if we're going to do that, we can't take a single seat or vote for granted, especially in Alabama.

Chris CoonsJoin us.

Dear John,

Democrats have the chance to take back the Senate in November. But if we're going to do that, we can't take a single seat or vote for granted, especially in Alabama.

Last night, Alabama Republicans nominated extreme right-wing football coach Tommy Tuberville, Trump's chosen candidate, to take on my friend, Democratic Senator Doug Jones. Recent polls show Doug down by just three points, so this race is within reach.

Doug Jones has overcome difficult odds before, but he needs our help to do it again. Will you split a contribution of $10 or more between our two campaigns to help us win and take back the Senate?

Doug Jones is a man of principles and courage -- a lawyer who prosecuted former Klansmen for the bombing of the 16th Street Church in Birmingham and prosecuted a terrorist who bombed a women's health clinic. He is a voice of reason, standing up for affordable health care, liveable wages, and true equality for all.

Doug's race will be the toughest re-election of any Democrat in the Senate, so it's going to take all of us stepping up to ensure he has the resources he needs to win.

Will you rush a contribution to help Doug and me return to the Senate in November? Please, split $10 now between our campaigns and help us win together.

We need Doug in the Senate. I hope you'll help me keep him there!

Thank you,


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