Later today the Government are banning a far-right terrorist group, but they've left the most dangerous one off their list. Take action now:

Tell the Home Office: Ban O9A

HOPE not hate

John --

Later today, the Government are putting down a motion in the House of Commons to ban a far-right terrorist group in the UK.

Unfortunately, despite months of campaigning on the issue – including a petition of over 12,000 people which HOPE not hate delivered to the Home Office – the group the government are planning to ban tomorrow is not the Order of Nine Angles.

Instead they've chosen to ban Feuerkrieg Division, a violent nazi group with only a handful of members in the UK. While we welcome this action, we don't think it goes far enough.

The Order of Nine Angles are a violent nazi group who are actively organising in the UK, whose beliefs have inspired several young people recently convicted of terrorism. If you agree that the government should make them a banned group, tweet the Home Office right now to let them know.

There is no reason why Feuerkrieg Division should be banned while the Order of Nine Angles isn't. FKD was a threat to the British people, but O9A still is. Both should be added to the list of proscribed groups.

It's up to us to make sure that the Government takes action. Tell them to do it now - contact the Home Office today.

Thank you.

Nick Lowles
HOPE not hate

About the HOPE Action Fund

The Order of Nine Angles aren't the first far-right group that HOPE not hate have gone after - we've been doing this for years. We beat the BNP, we beat the Brexit Party, and we took down the nazi-terrorist group National Action.

We need your help to do more of this. Members of the HOPE Action Fund give a small monthly donation and it makes the work we do possible.

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