After the events of the last few months, Bob’s office has taken action to address systemic racism in Washington state.
Just this month, Bob’s Multidisciplinary Hate Crimes Task Force submitted more than 20 recommendations to the State Legislature to address everything from designating Hate Crimes Liaisons in every police department to requiring a detective to contact the victim before closing the investigation. These recommendations, if adopted, will make our state a national leader in combating hate crimes.
Moreover, Bob presented the Legislature with a plan for reporting and tracking the use of deadly force by law enforcement in Washington state so the public and policymakers can access that information.
This is an important first step in the right direction — but there’s plenty of work left to do and fast.
The need to reform the way hate crimes are handled is urgent — not just in Washington, but across the nation.
SIGN ON HERE to show your support for these critical changes »
The Task Force’s first recommendations also include bold steps to improve the way data on hate crimes is handled, create new avenues for prosecutors to charge offenses and additional education on hate and bias in schools and workplaces.
These measures provide an essential road map for moving forward after months of unrest.
Show your support for these measures and the work Bob is doing to ensure that all Washingtonians feel safe:Outreach Team
Via Elect Bob Ferguson