In the upcoming weeks, Joe Biden is expected to announce his pick for our next vice president.
This is shaping up to be a decisive moment for the 2020 campaign. If we put in the work to take back the White House, we can elect the first woman vice president in U.S. history this November. Before Biden makes his announcement, we want to hear directly from you first.
Who do you think our next vice president should be? Let us know in our 2020 vice presidential straw poll!
There are around a dozen powerful women reportedly in contention for the spot. Women with governing experience, women of color, women working with communities of color to fight against racial injustice, leaders providing guidance during COVID-19, and the list goes on.
This is a historic moment, but we have to acknowledge there’s much more work to do to ensure more women are elected up and down the ballot.
No one person can solve America's problems alone. That’s why Biden will build a team of progressive leaders to replace Trump’s racist, corrupt enablers. Biden’s pick for vice president will be our first indication of what kind of team he wants to help him govern — and will show us what kind of president he aspires to be.
In 2020, the youth vote can take back the White House and create the change we need. We want to hear from you about what issues you are fighting for and which candidate you believe will help lead the way toward a better future.
Thank you,
Olivia Chow
Digital Organizing Director
NextGen America