Tom 2020 Logo
Friends —

Our country is at its best when the American people are in charge — and 2020 is the year we must take back our democracy.

That’s why I’m reaching out to ask you to split a contribution of $20 between the Democratic parties of Nevada, Pennsylvania, Arizona, and Florida — key battleground states for this election.
If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:
Express Donate $20
Express Donate $40
Or, donate another amount
Here’s why this is so important:

Donald Trump and the GOP are championing hatred and racism, failing us all on the climate crisis, and spreading lies during a pandemic that continues to kill thousands of Americans, disproportionately African Americans. Right now, people in every corner of the country are fighting against deep-rooted injustice and white supremacy while struggling to survive due to no support from this government.

Nevada, Pennsylvania, Arizona, and Florida pose a direct threat to Republicans’ chances of four more years of the most corrupt presidency in our history. If we’re going to beat Mr. Trump, then we need to fight hard in these four states, starting now.

I am proud to support these battleground states’ Democratic parties in their efforts to send the GOP packing, and I hope you’ll join me. Every dollar goes a long way in reaching people and registering more voters.

Thank you.

We understand that this is a difficult time for many people economically — if you're not able to donate at this time, click here, and we'll keep you up to date on other ways you can make a difference.

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Tom Steyer PAC · PO Box 626 · San Francisco, CA 94104 · USA

Paid for by Tom Steyer PAC,, and authorized by Nevada State Democratic Party, Arizona State Democratic Committee, The Pennsylvania Democratic Party, and Democratic Executive Committee of Florida.