Qasim wanted me to reach out to thank all of you that added your name to our campaign to hold Rob Wittman accountable last week. We’re going to keep doing all we can to hold him accountable to his constituents and ultimately get him out of office in November. Thank you for your efforts in helping make both happen.

The reason Qasim didn’t reach out himself is because he’s currently running behind on his raise goal today. Later this week, we are having a budget meeting, so falling short isn’t an option. Any chance you can give $5 (or whatever you are able) to help him hit his goal?

If not, could you contact a friend or family member about Qasim and see if they are interested in hearing more about the campaign? Here’s a sign up link to get more info on Qasim:

Here’s what’s on the agenda for this week’s budget meeting:

  • Texting budget
  • Digital ad fund
  • Resources to produce digital videos about Qasim so that he can connect with even more voters

You have the ability to help us hit the mark on all three of these things and it doesn’t take much. If each of you gave $5 (or more), we would hit the goal and be in a good place for budget calls that need to be made next week as well. Contribute now.



Celestino "Tino" Garcia
Finance Director, Rashid for VA

Contribute here today!



Qasim Rashid is a human rights lawyer who has dedicated his life to supporting women who are survivors of domestic and sexual violence, and to serving children from vulnerable communities. Qasim is running to transform his advocacy into results for the working families of Virginia’s 1st District.

Qasim aspires for a campaign built on transparency and trust, and is putting in the work to connect with voters districtwide. Together, you and Qasim, can make Virginia an even better place to call home.
Contribute now.


Paid for and authorized by Rashid for VA

Rashid for VA
PO BOX 489
GARRISONVILLE VA 22643 United States

Copyright (C) 2020 Rashid for VA. All rights reserved.