
Today is Election Day!

But it’s not just any Election Day, John. Today the eyes of the country turn to Texas for the primary runoffs where our endorsed candidates Kim Olson and Pritesh Gandhi are looking to cross the finish line and head into their General Elections to flip two red seats in the heart of Texas.

Thank you for everything you’ve done to help them and help Serve America in our support for them. Can you rush a last-minute donation today to help them get over the finish line?

They are still contacting voters and running ads online so every little bit helps!

Thank you,



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Two of our endorsed candidates are on the ballot tomorrow in Texas’ highly anticipated primary runoff elections. Colonel Kim Olson and Dr. Pritesh Gandhi are both neck and neck in their respective races and need your help.

Can you rush a donation to be split between Kim Olson and Pritesh Gandhi before the polls close tomorrow?

Pritesh has spent much of the last few months in his clinic treating patients with COVID-19, doing critical care work in his community—leaving less time to raise money for his campaign.

Kim is being outspent by her opponent thanks to hundreds of thousands of dollars from Super PACs and other outside groups.

At this point in the race, every dollar counts. No gift is too small to help Kim and Pritesh get over the finish line tomorrow night.

Please chip in whatever you can to have their backs!

Thank you,

Serve America