Dear Friend,
In just a few short days, the Equal Opportunity Employment Commission may move forward with a rule that would prohibit federal employees from having representatives from their union at an official hearing.
The proposed "Official Time" rule would prohibit union representatives from representing their members in issues related to discrimination or harassment during work time. This would deny federal employees the ability to seek help from people with the knowledge and experience they need during cases of discrimination or harassment on the job.
Tell the EEOC to abandon their efforts to pass this outrageous rule!
This would have an enormous impact on federal workers' ability to address issues of discrimination and harassment in the workplace, and it's why we're asking you to send the EEOC a comment and tell them NOT to move forward with this terrible rule!
At a time when so many working people are on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic and as we finally reckon with centuries of racial injustice in our society, it is unconscionable that the EEOC--a place where workers can address issues of discrimination in the workplace--would prohibit the use of a union representative in an EEO claim.
Comments are due no later than July 31, 2020. Please, submit a comment opposing the rule NOW!
The ongoing pandemic has left millions of working people vulnerable--including federal employees. They need the assistance union representatives can provide when it comes to ensuring reasonable protections for those more susceptible to COVID-19.
Make no mistake, this rule is intended to make it harder for federal workers to address issues like discrimination and harassment at the exact time we need to be making it easier to address these issues--not harder.
Tell the EEOC to abandon its efforts to deny federal employees their choice of a representative in discrimination and harassment cases.
In Solidarity,
Jobs With Justice