Did you see Ami's note? NewDems are working hard to make sure that when we reopen the economy, we do it the right way. Ensuring the safety of our communities is key to getting America back to work.
So we want to know, what are you seeing in your community? And what do you think we should do to safely reopen the economy?
We simply can't afford to do this the wrong way.
Take our survey and let us know what you think we must do to get the country up and running safely.
If you follow the headlines, you're probably well aware that President Trump has a key question on his mind: "When do we reopen the country."
As a physican and a Member of Congress, take it from me: The President is asking the wrong question.
Instead of "when" and "how fast," more leaders in the Administration should be asking "how."
We know there's a lot of work ahead if we're going to reopen the country safely. But here's the good news: We also know what it takes to get there. A few key criteria we have to meet include:
- A testing and tracing regime that arms the medical community with the data and insights we need to effectively respond.
- A serolgic testing program that sheds some light on who might have immunity.
- Sufficient supplies of PPE not just for doctors, but also high-density services like schools, grocery stores, and daycare centers.
- Treatments that can mitigate the worst effects of the virus and help patients recover.
Of course, we also have to continue developing a vaccine if we're ever going to truly protect against the virus.
All of this requires leadership from the Administration that respects the input of America's scientific and medical community. That means taking seriously recommentations like maintaining social distancing and wearing a mask in public.
We're going to get through this. America can beat this disease, and Congress has already committed tremendous resources to get the job done, but we can't let up.
Thank you for being part of Team NewDem. Stay safe, wear a mask, and as always, be well.