Nottingham City Council's housing strategy team are carrying out research into the impacts of Covid-19 upon the private rented sector locally.? If you're a landlord of residential properties in the city, no matter your portfolio size, please consider completing our confidential online questionnaire.?? Introduction The current pandemic affects each and every one of us, not only on a personal level, but in terms of our ability to finance and conduct business while ensuring our customers' needs are met. ? Housing is one of the most basic human needs and in Nottingham, the private rented sector plays a pivotal role in meeting local demand. It is therefore important for the local authority to understand the impact of the pandemic on the sector in order for it to effectively plan for and work collaboratively with landlords going forward. ? If you are a landlord ?with properties in Nottingham we would very much appreciate your time and input in completing this survey to assist our understanding The survey may be completed confidentially. We only ask for contact details if you have indicated you wish to be contacted with details of our letting assistance schemes. We will not use personal information for other purposes, share it with other parties or store it for longer than 3 months. Questionnaire Link: Closing date: Friday 17th July 2020 ? ?