Pass the HEROES Act!

National & Regional Town Halls

Dear John,

At the end of July, the additional weekly federal unemployment funds mandated by the CARES Act will run out. Unemployment compensation will end for many as well—unless the HEROES Act is passed.

You can do your part make sure this happens. Across the country tomorrow and Thursday, virtual town halls, car caravans, and rallies are being held to discuss the unemployment crisis and demand the passage of the HEROES Act. And on July 23, Sen. Ron Wyden (OR) will headline a virtual nationwide town hall on the unemployment crisis. Click here for details on what's happening in your region and to register for the town halls.


The HEROES Act is vital to workers' survival as the economic crisis worsens. Passed by the House but stalled in the Senate, this act would expand unemployment compensation, food assistance programs, housing assistance, and payments to farmers; provide additional funding for the fight against COVID-19 and hazard pay for essential workers; and help preserve the Postal Service and public transit systems.

We urge you to participate in these actions, contact your senators, and ask your family, friends, and co-workers to do the same.  


In solidarity,

Joe and Rossana

Communist Party USA
235 W. 23rd Street, 7th floor
New York, NY 10011
(Visits by appointment only)
Tel : 212-989-4994
Fax :212-229-1713
Email : [email protected]

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