Fellow American,
The “angry mob” that President Trump spoke of in his Fourth of July address at Mount Rushmore has struck again.
This time, over Independence Day weekend, unknown vandals tore down a statue of Frederick Douglass and left it near a gorge in Rochester, New York. Douglass, who escaped slavery in the 1830s, was a leader, speaker, writer, and abolitionist. Rochester had placed his statue in a city park that once was part of the Underground Railroad.
It makes me sick.
It should be unthinkable.
But instead, this cruel destruction is part of a tragic wave of violence and lawlessness that has swept our country.
The radical left has spent years screaming that America is evil … and now, with the support of Democratic leaders, they’ve spread their message nationwide.
These “activists” want to erase the true principles — of life, liberty, and equality under the law — on which our country was built. They’ve pushed a false and politically motivated interpretation of our history, winning praise from the media and Hollywood while they introduce it into our schools’ classrooms and curricula.
And they want to tear down our great nation in the eyes of our children and grandchildren so they can destroy it … and then re-make it according to their extreme leftist ideals.
Fellow American, too few of our leaders are standing up to the mob and defending America’s true legacy and principles. That’s why it’s time for citizens like you to speak up.
Just a few weeks ago, the American Principles Project created a pledge to defend America’s founding and encouraged civic-minded Americans like you to join it.
The response was incredible, and today more than 50,000 people like you have pledged to defend America’s true history and reject the revisionist stories of the left.
Will you join them and sign the pledge to preserve America’s founding and to uphold America’s founding principles as written in the Declaration of Independence?
Then, once you’ve signed, will you forward this email to friends and family — and ask them to do the same?