"Congress members send letter urging Trump Administration to extend unemployment benefits" -- NBC 25 News (7/09/20)


"Congress members send letter urging Trump Administration to extend unemployment benefits"

-- NBC 25 News (7/09/20)
Sign your name next to Donald's to demand relief for unemployed Americans:

Hey --

Federal unemployment insurance benefits are set to run out at the end of July, so Donald joined his colleagues in the House to demand immediate action from the White House.

The House already passed the HEROES Act to extend these unemployment benefits. But two months later, this bill is still sitting on Mitch McConnell's desk.

Time is running out to help Americans in need, so Donald isn't waiting around for Mitch.

That's why he’s urging the Trump Administration to extend unemployment benefits. Add your name alongside Donald's to show your support. Demand relief for unemployed Americans now >>

With over 14 million Americans out of work, it's essential we take meaningful action to address this crisis. This isn't a partisan issue, it's a public health issue. When people lose their jobs in this country, they often lose their health insurance as well. That means more and more Americans are becoming uninsured in the middle of a pandemic. The least the federal government can do is to ease this burden with enhanced unemployment benefits.

The current unemployment rate is nothing like we've seen in a long time. For 16 weeks in a row, the number of people applying for unemployment benefits for the first time has been over one million. That's right: over one million new people are applying for unemployment each week.

Cutting off enhanced unemployment benefits would ignore these millions of Americans who are still struggling. It's essential that we extend the Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation. Add your name if you agree >>

There's still so much more that needs to be done, but extending these unemployment benefits is a good place to start.

Thank you,

Team DN


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