From Air Force Magazine <[email protected]>
Subject Daily Report, July 14: F-15EX Contract Awarded | Fewer Hypoxia-Like Incidents in T-6 Fleet | Appropriators to Slash ABMS Funding
Date July 14, 2020 7:39 AM
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Air Force Magazine
Daily Report for July 14, 2020

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Edited by Amy McCullough with Brian W. Everstine, Alyk Russell Kenlan, Jennifer-Leigh Oprihory and John A. Tirpak


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Air Force Awards $1.2 Billion Contract for First Lot of F-15EXs
By John A. Tirpak

Boeing received a $1.2 billion sole-source Air Force contract July 13 to begin
buying the first eight F-15EX fighters, meant to replace the F-15C/D Eagle
fleet, which is rapidly aging out, the Pentagon announced. The contract could
ultimately be worth nearly $23 billion and involve as many as 144 aircraft. The
F-15EX has been controversial even before it was added—unrequested—to the
Air Force's fiscal year 2020 budget. However, Air Combat Command boss Gen. James
M. Holmes said the F-15EX is “the most affordable and immediate way to refresh
the capacity and update the capability provided by our aging F-15C/D fleets,”
adding that the first aircraft “will be ready to fight as soon as it comes off
the line.”

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USAF T-6 Fleet Sees Drop in Hypoxia-Like Events
By Jennifer-Leigh Oprihory

The Air Force only saw five hypoxia-like events in its T-6A trainer fleet in the
first three months of 2020—a 50-percent drop from the same period the year
before, according to data obtained by Air Force Magazine. But despite progress
reflected by the data, Brig. Gen. Gregor J. Leist, who heads the Air Force
Physiological Episodes Action Team, said the team still isn't satisfied with
where the Texan stands.

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House Appropriators Expected to Cut Back on Air Force’s ABMS Plans
By Brian W. Everstine

House appropriators want to severely limit funding for the Air Force's new
Advanced Battle Management System, while also restricting the series of ABMS
exercises. The Air Force's fiscal 2021 budget calls for more than $302 million
for ABMS —its “system of systems” linking space, air, and ground sensors
together as a way to replace its E-8 Joint STARS fleet. The request is more than
double what the service asked for in fiscal 2020, and is part of a planned
increase to more than $1 billion in fiscal 2024. The House Appropriations
Committee, in a report accompanying its proposed fiscal 2021 defense spending
bill, says that although it understands the need for a new network for future
operating environments, it “lacks enough confidence in the Air Force’s
structuring and execution of ABMS to support the rate of budget growth” the
service wants.

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White House Chief Tech Officer to Backfill Griffin at Pentagon
By John A. Tirpak

Michael J. K. Kratsios, the White House’s 33-year-old chief technology
officer, is the new acting undersecretary of defense for research and
engineering, effective July 10, the Pentagon announced July 13. He fills in
behind Michael D. Griffin, whose last day was also July 10. Griffin and his
deputy, Lisa Porter, left to pursue unidentified opportunities in the private
sector. At the White House, Kratsios led initiatives in 5G, quantum computing,
and artificial intelligence. The deputy DDR&E post vacated by Porter will be
filled by Griffin's deputy Mark J. Lewis, who will retain his duties as the
DDR&E for modernization.

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‘Combat Sentry’ Tests USAF Command and Control Aircraft, Airmen
By Brian W. Everstine

Air Force command and control aircraft now have a combat evaluation program,
with the kickoff of the first-ever Combat Sentry on July 13 at Tyndall Air Force
Base, Fla. Combat Sentry, similar to the live-fire Combat Hammer and Combat
Archer evaluations, puts two E-3 Sentry AWACS from the 552nd Air Control Wing at
Tinker Air Force Base, Okla., to the test. For almost two weeks, the E-3s will
fly in environments where optionally manned QF-16s, subscale BQM-167 drones, and
E-9A monitoring aircraft will test the battle management and command and control
capability with simulated cruise missiles, live fire operations, and maritime
operations, according to a Tyndall release.

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Space Force to Launch Classified NRO Payload from Wallops Flight Facility
By Alyk Russell Kenlan

The U.S. Space Force's Space and Missile Systems Center is on schedule to launch
a top secret payload for the National Reconnaissance Office on July 15, marking
the new service's first launch from NASA's Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia.
The National Reconnaissance Office Launch-129 (NROL-129) mission will be the
27th launch of a Northrop Grumman Minotaur IV rocket, but the first from Wallops
since 2013. “This will be our first U.S. Space Force mission and the first
dedicated NRO mission from Wallops,” Lt. Col. Ryan A. Rose, chief of SMC's
Launch Small Launch and Targets Division, said in a press release.

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Virtual Events: Rubin on Mitchell’s Nuclear Deterrence Forum, and More
By Jennifer-Leigh Oprihory

Today, the Air Force Association’s Mitchell Institute for Aerospace
Studies will host a Nuclear Deterrence Forum featuring Uzi Rubin, former
director of the Israel Missile Defense Organization. Event video will
tentatively be posted on Mitchell’s <a
href="[link removed]">website</a>
and <a href="[link removed]">YouTube
page</a> after the event.

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Radar Sweep


Snapshot: DOD and COVID-19

Here's a look at how the Defense Department is being impacted by and responding
to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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OPINION: The US Needs a Global Coalition to Defeat COVID

Only a multinational effort can meet this unprecedented threat, say former U.S.
Central Command boss retired Army Gen. Joseph L. Votel and former U.S. Pacific
Command boss retired Navy Adm. Samuel J. Locklear III.

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Should the Defense Health Agency Take Over Military Healthcare Management?

Last October, the Defense Health Agency, a combat support organization that
provides medical support staff across all branches, began to take over
management of all the military hospitals and clinics. The change would mean the
Army, Navy, and Air Force no longer managed their own health care systems.

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Raytheon Technologies CEO on Riding Out the COVID-19 Crisis

When he was United Technologies Corp. chairman and CEO, Greg Hayes took a lot of
heat for merging his company with Raytheon to create aerospace powerhouse
Raytheon Technologies. But the critics have been silenced as defense has
cushioned the company from the battering the commercial downturn has inflicted
on its Collins Aerospace and Pratt & Whitney operations.

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Historic Retention Rates Credited by Army, Air Force Generals with Helping Them Meet End Strengths

Although the coronavirus pandemic has lowered basic training graduation rates
this year, Army and Air Force leaders aren’t expecting shortfalls in their
respective end-strength numbers as a result, officials of the two services said
July 9. They credited the expected success to historically high retention rates.

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OPINION: US Must Invest More in Its Geriatric Bomber Force

“Today the Air Force operates the smallest bomber force—157 total
aircraft—and oldest—average age of 45 years—since its formation as a
separate service in 1947,” writes retired Lt. Gen. David A. Deptula, dean of
AFA’s Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies. “At the same time the demand
for bombers has surged.”

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Nevada Democrats Aim to Block Nellis Bombing Range Expansion

Nevada Gov. Steve Sisolak said he is backing Nevada’s Democratic congressional
delegation, which is opposing a military effort to widen the boundaries of a
vast U.S. Air Force bombing range into a national wildlife refuge.

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NRO and Space Force Stick with Rocket Lab Despite Failed Launch

An anomaly occurred during the small launch provider’s most recent mission,
resulting in the loss of the rocket and the commercial payloads it was carrying.
Rocket Lab noted in a statement that the issue occurred approximately four
minutes into the July 4 flight, following a successful liftoff from its New
Zealand launch pad as well as a successful first-stage burn and stage

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Rapid Acquisition & Sustainment

The Air Force and U.S. defense establishment are breaking down barriers and
injecting speed, innovation, and creativity into the procurement system. Check
out our new page to learn more about these efforts.

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Iridium Publicly Threatens Lawsuit to Overturn FCC’s Ligado Vote

Iridium is considering legal action to block the Federal Communication
Commission’s controversial approval of Ligado’s 5G mobile wireless network,
which much of the federal government says will interfere with GPS.

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Navy: 57 Treated for Injuries in USS Bonhomme Richard Fire as Blaze Continues

Thirty-four sailors and 23 civilians have been treated for minor injuries,
including heat exhaustion and smoke inhalation, from the fire aboard the San
Diego-based amphibious assault ship USS Bonhomme Richard, which began on the
morning of July 12, the Navy said. Five sailors remain in the hospital and are
in stable condition, Naval Surface Forces for the Pacific Fleet tweeted on July

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OPINION: How a Tiny Indian Ocean Island Could Force a US-UK Rift

“The U.S. has recently notched victories at the International Court of Justice
and United Nations General Assembly in its battle to take from Britain its
sovereignty of the Chagos Archipelago,” writes Nilanthi Samaranayake, director
of the Strategy and Policy Analysis program at the Center for Naval Analyses.
”The largest of these islands, Diego Garcia, has for decades been a key
logistics, reconnaissance, and operational base for U.S. forces. While many
factors are at play, including discussion about the Chagossian people, the Diego
Garcia case reveals two critical dimensions that warrant attention by U.S.
policymakers now.”

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Iran Blames Bad Communication, Alignment for Jet Shootdown

A misaligned missile battery, miscommunication between troops and their
commanders, and a decision to fire without authorization all led to Iran’s
Revolutionary Guard shooting down a Ukrainian jetliner in January, killing all
176 people on board, a new report says. The report released late July 11 by
Iran’s Civil Aviation Organization comes months after the Jan. 8 crash near
Tehran. Authorities had initially denied responsibility, only changing course
days later after Western nations presented extensive evidence that Iran had shot
down the plane.

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One More Thing...
This Lecture by an F-22 Test Pilot on the Raptor's Flight Control System Is Bonkers

The video highlights just how much fly-by-wire automation is needed to make the
Raptor's super maneuverability a reality.

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