From VDARE Foundation <[email protected]>
Subject BULLETIN: “Black Lives Matter” Is A BLOOD LIBEL Against White America. Here’s Why; etc. (64 items)
Date July 13, 2020 9:15 PM
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"Black Lives Matter" Is A BLOOD LIBEL Against White America.
Here's Why
"I'm Sorry For Hong Kong-But U.S. Must Not Import ANOTHER
;" etc.
(64 items, 07/13/2020)


**#1** in the traffic report this week: Steve Sailer (along with
thousands of our concerned readers) are noticing it's been a long 12
Days and Counting Since (Possibly Imaginary) Lighter Fluid Atrocity
Where is this Hawaiian shirt-clad white death squad?


**second**, James Fulford sets the record straight with: "Black Lives
Matter" Is A BLOOD LIBEL Against White America. Here's Why

**Third**: Steve Sailer writes "Dear White Women: The Establishment
Hates You And Wants Terrible Things To Happen To You

And in

**fourth**, Nobody in Madison Can Guess Why There Have Been So Many
Shootings This Summer

Finally, in

**fifth**: Ann Coulter On Immigrant Col. Vindman-He's A One-Man
Ukrainian Lobby!

His retirement is welcome news. We've had enough foreign interference!

Featured Articles

**Sunday July 12, 2020**Author Washington Watcher II

The U.S. Military Is Woke-Patriots Must Demand Court Martials, Forced

**Saturday July 11, 2020**Author John Derbyshire

John Derbyshire: I'm Sorry For Hong Kong-But U.S. Must Not Import
ANOTHER Overclass

**Saturday July 11, 2020**Author James Fulford

"Black Lives Matter" Is A BLOOD LIBEL Against White America. Here's

**Thursday July 09, 2020**Author Anthony Boehm

OK, Let's Give Them Reparations-If They Go Back To Africa

**Thursday July 09, 2020**Author Patrick J. Buchanan

Patrick J. Buchanan: The New "Systemic Racism" That Is Coming

**Wednesday July 08, 2020**Author Michelle Malkin

Michelle Malkin: Stand with Steven Baca

**Wednesday July 08, 2020**Author Ann Coulter

Ann Coulter: I'm A Direct Descendant Of 13 Revolutionary Patriots.
Deport Lucian Truscott

**Tuesday July 07, 2020**Author James Kirkpatrick

Trump's Path To Victory: Affirmative Action Abolition; Immigration
Restriction; Economic Populism

**Monday July 06, 2020**Author Patrick J. Buchanan

Patrick J. Buchanan: A Culture War Battle Trump Can Win

**Monday July 06, 2020**Author Edwin S. Rubenstein

NATIONAL DATA: Unreported Trump Triumph On Immigrant Population,
American Worker Displacement Rolls On


Blog Posts

**Monday July 13, 2020**Author James Fulford

This Day in History, 2015: AMERICAN THINKER On Murder By
Illegals; A MUCH Higher Rate Than US Citizens

**Monday July 13, 2020**Author John Derbyshire

Ireland Has Become The Heart Of Wokeness

**Monday July 13, 2020**Author James Kirkpatrick

This Day in History, 2014: MS-13 Gang Using Processing Center
for Recruitment

**Sunday July 12, 2020**Author Jack Dalton

Cassandra Fairbanks: Young White Mother Killed A WEEK AGO By BLM Mob for
Saying "All Lives Matter"-And The Media Said Nothing

**Sunday July 12, 2020**Author John Derbyshire

Joe Biden's Population Policy (You Can't NOT Have A Population Policy )

**Sunday July 12, 2020**Author James Fulford

Border Apprehensions Up, But Small Surge Is NOTHING To Massive Rush That
Would Happen If Biden Elected

**Sunday July 12, 2020**Author Steve Sailer

Mass Shooting Database: Shootings of 4+ Were Up 105% in June 2020

**Sunday July 12, 2020**Author Steve Sailer

VOX: Coronavirus Spreading To Blacks Because Of FDR's Redlining

**Sunday July 12, 2020**Author Steve Sailer

Church Burnings Are Happening: Is The Press "Triggering" Violent

**Sunday July 12, 2020**Author Steve Sailer

Does Facial Recognition Software Work on Masked Men?

**Saturday July 11, 2020**Author Steve Sailer

Nobody in Madison Can Guess Why There Have Been So Many Shootings This

**Saturday July 11, 2020**Author Jack Dalton

Trump Can Win Re-Election By Inviting McCloskeys To White House,
Denouncing Gun-Grabbing Dems' Anarcho-Tyranny

**Saturday July 11, 2020**Author James Fulford Roundup: Indian Caste Discrimination, Indian IQ, And Indian
Affirmative Action

**Saturday July 11, 2020**Author Steve Sailer

How Will They Know Which 911 Calls Will Turn Out Nonviolent?

**Saturday July 11, 2020**Author Steve Sailer

Brahmins Discriminate Against Untouchables in Silicon Valley

**Friday July 10, 2020**Author Steve Sailer

Another Letter: The Canceled Had It Coming, Good and Hard, Especially
That Transphobic Harry Potter Lady

**Friday July 10, 2020**Author Steve Sailer

Trump Derangement Syndrome Leads to an Anti-White Murder in Wisconsin

**Friday July 10, 2020**Author Steve Sailer

Evil Manifests Itself In "Safety Of All Lives" TRAFFIC SIGN

**Friday July 10, 2020**Author Steve Sailer

Pelosi: Rule Of Law Is, Like, Canceled-"People Will Do What They Do."

**Friday July 10, 2020**Author Steve Sailer

Althea Bernstein's Low Energy Blood Libel: Unenthusiastic Audio
Recording Released

**Friday July 10, 2020**Author Steve Sailer

Who? Whom? In Casting: Wonderful To Give Black People White Roles, But
The Reverse Is Monstrous

**Friday July 10, 2020**Author Steve Sailer

NBC: Gun Violence Is Surging In Cities, And Hitting Communities Of Color

**Thursday July 09, 2020**Author Steve Sailer

NEW YORKER: Monstrous People (Like, Say, Steve Sailer) Object To NYT's
Plan To Dox Scott Alexander

**Thursday July 09, 2020**Author Steve Sailer

Man-for-Man, Who Are the Scariest Social Justice Jihadis?

**Thursday July 09, 2020**Author Steve Sailer

The Democrats' New Plan: Put a Thumb on the Scale of Credit Scores

**Thursday July 09, 2020**Author Washington Watcher II

GOP Establishment Pours Millions Into Backstabbing Kris Kobach

**Thursday July 09, 2020**Author John Derbyshire

Radio Derb Transcript Up For July 3: Pandemic Report, The Caucasity Of
Hope, War On Policing, And Betting On Trump, Etc.

**Thursday July 09, 2020**Author Virginia Dare

Social Distancing with John Derbyshire, Joined By Gavin Wax, TODAY, 3
p.m. EST

**Thursday July 09, 2020**Author Steve Sailer

Old-Fashioned Liberals Finally Speak Out Against Cancel Culture

**Thursday July 09, 2020**Author Steve Sailer

AP: "Experts Say the Spike in Violence Defies Easy Explanation"

**Wednesday July 08, 2020**Author Steve Sailer

At Vox, Matt Yglesias Shut Down by Ezra Klein

**Wednesday July 08, 2020**Author Jack Dalton

Anarcho-Tyranny: White Couple Charged With "Hate Crime" Over Painting
Over BLM Graffiti On Street

**Wednesday July 08, 2020**Author Paul Nachman

Physicist Luis Alvarez: The Anglo As Identity-Politics Hero For

**Wednesday July 08, 2020**Author Steve Sailer

"Hamilton": The Obama Administration On Stage

**Wednesday July 08, 2020**Author Steve Sailer

Dear White Women: The Establishment Hates You And Wants Terrible Things
To Happen To You

**Tuesday July 07, 2020**Author Washington Watcher II

White Pill: Trump Refiling DACA Shutdown, Sending Foreign Students Home

**Tuesday July 07, 2020**Author Linda Thom

Why The Eritrean Immigrant Who Hit White Female ("Non-binary")
Protesters Was In America: Refugee Resettlement

**Tuesday July 07, 2020**Author Steve Sailer

New York Puts Up A Strong Fight For "Most Shootings," But Chicago Wins
The Weekend Again

**Tuesday July 07, 2020**Author Steve Sailer

Scientific Study of Police Shootings Retracted Because "Bad" People Like
Heather Mac Donald Cite It

**Monday July 06, 2020**Author Steve Sailer

12 Days and Counting Since (Possibly Imaginary) Lighter Fluid Atrocity

**Monday July 06, 2020**Author Steve Sailer

American Carnage: Blacks Killing Blacks In Large Numbers

**Monday July 06, 2020**Author Steve Sailer

Which Brands Do Looters Go for? Not Fjällräven!

**Monday July 06, 2020**Author Steve Sailer

New York Finally Cracks Down on the Real Criminal: White Female
Harassment Victim Amy Cooper

**Monday July 06, 2020**Author Steve Sailer

8-Year-Old Black Girl Killed in Atlanta By Black Lives Matter Gunmen

**Monday July 06, 2020**Author James Fulford

Reagan On Columbus: "Columbus Challenged The Unknown When He Sailed
Westward In 1492"

**Monday July 06, 2020**Author James Fulford

Cancelling William Fulbright: A White Southern Democrat Who Betrayed
Vietnam...And Brought Peter Brimelow To America

**Monday July 06, 2020**Author Peter Brimelow

Unnoticed, The Dems Are Recreating the GOP's AntiTax Doomsday Weapon

**Monday July 06, 2020**Author Steve Sailer

Czechs Have Only Uncancellable National Hero: Jára Cimrman



**Sunday July 12, 2020**Author Reader

A West Texas Reader Considers The NYT's "1619 Project" Another Blood
Libel Against The American Nation

**Wednesday July 08, 2020**Author Reader

A West Texas Reader Says "Low-Code Tech" May Eliminate The Need For
Immigrant Programmers

**Tuesday July 07, 2020**Author Reader

An Australian Reader Says "Aboriginal" Politician Wants To Rename States
Of Victoria (And Queensland) Because Queen Victoria Was White


Vdare TV

**Thursday July 09, 2020**Author VDARE TV

"Social Distancing with John Derbyshire" An Interview with Gavin Wax

**Wednesday July 08, 2020**Author VDARE TV

VDARE Archives | The Other Side of the Story - USA Melting Pot or Alien
Nation? (1995)


Radio Derb

**Friday July 10, 2020**Author John Derbyshire

Strange Times, Joe's Population Policy, Dalit Discrimination, & The Woke
Mob's Most Cherished Myth, Etc.



Author Jean Raspail

The Camp of the Saints - 6th Edition (last available new copies)
James Kirkpatrick

Conservatism Inc.: The Battle for the American Right
Lawrence Auster

Our Borders, Ourselves: America in the Age of Multiculturalism
Peter Brimelow

Alien Nation: Common Sense About America's Immigration Disaster
Michelle Malkin

Open Borders Inc.


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