
Last month, our Stop The Surge campaign warned that illegal aliens were getting ready to pour over our borders like never before. 

We were right - Last month’s 40% jump was just the beginning

When Central and South America are free from Chinese coronavirus lockdowns, hordes of illegal alien invaders are going to storm our borders. 

We Build The Wall is planning to break ground in several strategic, highly-trafficked areas at the border in 2020. 

Working together with American Patriots like YOU, and Border Patrol, we can stop TENS OF THOUSANDS of illegal aliens from entering the United States. 
We can also do our patriotic duty of supporting our brave Border Patrol agents and making their jobs easier. 

Every mile of wall erected has a compounding effect -- it slows the flow of illegal aliens, and allows Border Patrol to cover more ground

Thank you in advance for your generosity. 

Brian Kolfage

We Build the Wall Inc. is a Florida non-profit tax-exempt advocacy organization under section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions or gifts to We Build the Wall are not tax deductible for IRS purposes. Not paid for at taxpayer expense. WeBuildtheWall, Inc. PO Box 131567 Houston, Texas 77219-1567.