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Monday, July 13, 2020



Asian Americans Facing High COVID-19 Case Fatality
By Brandon W. Yan, Fiona Ng, Janet Chu, Janice Tsoh, and Tung Nguyen

In San Francisco, a steady trend in COVID-19 deaths has gone largely unnoticed until recently: Asian Americans consistently account for nearly half of COVID-19 deaths. For a city that is one-third Asian American, the disproportionate number of deaths appears striking, yet this highlights an even more worrisome statistic: Asian Americans experience a four-times higher case fatality rate than that of the overall population. Read More >>

In The Shadows Of COVID-19, A Devastating Epidemic Rages On
By Marcus Plescia and Elizabeth Ruebush

As the health care system responds to surges of COVID-19 cases across the country, a new Centers for Disease Control and Prevention analysis reminds us that there’s another epidemic that doesn’t show signs of slowing down: sexually transmitted infections. Read More >>


New Proposed Rule On Grandfathered Plans; Court Strikes Abortion Double Billing Rule

By Katie Keith

On July 10, the federal government proposed allowing grandfathered group plans to impose higher cost-sharing requirements without losing grandfathered status. Separately, a Maryland district court vacated and enjoined the Department of Health and Human Services from enforcing its “double billing” rule, under which insurers must send and enrollees must pay two separate monthly bills, one for abortion services and one for all other services. Read More >>



The Association Of A Sweetened Beverage Tax With Changes In Beverage Prices And Purchases At Independent Stores
By Sara N. Bleich, Hannah G. Lawman, Michael T. LeVasseur, Jiali Yan, Nandita Mitra, Caitlin M. Lowery, Ana Peterhans, Sophia Hua, Laura A. Gibson, and Christina A. Roberto

A number of countries around the world and cities in the US have adopted sugar-sweetened beverage taxes with the goal of reducing consumption and raising revenue. Sara Bleich and coauthors examine data from Philadelphia, focusing on sales at small, independent stores, which can receive frequent visits by residents, particularly in low-income communities.

Cost-Effectiveness Of A Workplace Ban On Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Sales: A Microsimulation Model
By Sanjay Basu, Laurie M. Jacobs, Elissa Epel, Dean Schillinger, and Laura Schmidt

Another approach to reducing consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages is to ban their sale at the workplace. Sanjay Basu and coauthors simulate the effect if such a ban were adopted statewide in California, based on results from a ban implemented at the University of California San Francisco. Read More >>

A CLOSER LOOKMedicare Coverage Of Dental, Vision, And Hearing Services

Among Medicare beneficiaries, dental, vision, and hearing services could be characterized as high need, high cost, and low use. While Medicare does not cover most of these services, coverage has increased recently as a result of changes in state Medicaid programs and increased enrollment in Medicare Advantage (MA) plans, many of which offer these services as supplemental benefits. An analysis by Amber Willink and coauthors shows that MA plans are filling an important gap in dental, vision, and hearing coverage, particularly among low- and middle-income beneficiaries.

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Health Affairs is the leading peer-reviewed journal at the intersection of health, health care, and policy. Published monthly by Project HOPE, the journal is available in print and online. Late-breaking content is also found through, Health Affairs Today, and Health Affairs Sunday Update.  

Project HOPE is a global health and humanitarian relief organization that places power in the hands of local health care workers to save lives across the globe. Project HOPE has published Health Affairs since 1981.

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