In yet another insult and attack on the rights of two people who never set out to harm anyone, whose property was invaded and damaged by a large armed gang, St. Louis police served a...

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Americans Who Eagerly Signed Petition to Remove 'Slave Owner' George Washington Won't Sign to Remove 'Slave Owner' Muhammad

By Nick Kangadis | Jul 10, 2020

He’s done it again! Journalist and filmmaker Ami Horowitz has released another video showing the hypocrisy and double-standards of people who say they want American statues removed because of slavery. In the video, Horowitz goes around...

AOC Justifies Surge In NYC Crime: People Need to 'Shoplift Some Bread' to 'Feed Their Child'

By Brittany M. Hughes | Jul 13, 2020

Oh, the burns. And by stupid, I mean the latest drivel to come out of NY Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's word-hole. During a virtual town hall over Zoom this weekend, the self-proclaimed "Democratic socialist" tried to explain away...

BLM Donation Page Run by 'Democratic,' 'Progressive' ActBlue Platform

By Nick Kangadis | Jul 13, 2020

It’s interesting to pull back the curtain on different organizations that have questionable practices and find out who some of the people are behind these “movements.” The “Marxist” Black Lives Matter (BLM) organization is no...

U.S. Army Investigating 'Inclusion' Handout That Deemed 'Make America Great Again' as 'Covert White Supremacy'

By Nick Kangadis | Jul 10, 2020

Man, even the military has gone “woke?” Not for the most part, but the Army is now beginning to investigate a handout given at a “presentation on racism and discrimination” in which a graphic indicated...


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