July 13, 2020

Monday Nature Mystery

We are pleased to announce the winner of our first Monday Mystery, Kristen Sinclair

Kristen was the first person to correctly identify our mystery nest, Gray Catbird (Dumetella carolinensis).  Gray Catbirds are a common breeding bird in our area.  Nests can usually be found about 3-10 feet up in a shrubby area or small tree. The female does most of the construction with the male providing material such as sticks, grapevines, leaves and pine needles.

Each Monday we’ll post a new photo and identify the previous week’s winner. Winners receive an ASNV hat or tote bag.

Here is this week’s mystery photo:

Photo: Laura McDonald

Do you know what it is? It was found in southern Fairfax County. Post your guess on our Facebook page under Monday Mystery. Good luck!

-Audubon Society of Northern Virginia

PS - want to improve your macro photography skills? There are a few spots left for our workshop with Nikon Ambassador, Kristi Odom. Details and registration can be found here.

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Audubon Society of Northern Virginia · 11100 Wildlife Center Drive · Ste. 100 · Reston, VA 20190 · USA