RSVP for tomorrow's free virtual event

Hi there,

Last fall, ProPublica Illinois engagement reporter Logan Jaffe reported on the small town of Anna, Illinois, reputed to be a sundown town where, historically, Black people were not welcome after dark. Last month, young activists confronted that history and their own experiences there by organizing Anna’s first Black Lives Matter protest — just one of many demonstrations that have occurred nationwide in small, rural, mostly white communities. 

On Tuesday, July 14 at 2 p.m. CST, join Jaffe, two of the organizers of that protest, and sociologist James Loewen for a conversation moderated by ProPublica Illinois reporter Mick Dumke. They will explore the history and current state of sundown towns and why young people are leading efforts to bring attention to racial injustice in these communities. They will also answer your questions.

Register Now 

Hope you can join us,
Cynthia Giwa
Proud ProPublican

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