What chipping in actually means. //


We’re so glad to have you on board! In addition to getting updates from Jagmeet and our team, invites to events near you, and the inside scoop on our platform – you’ll also see some fundraising requests from us. So I wanted to take a moment to tell you why.

Since we lost public funding in 2015, every single thing our NDP Team does depends on our amazing supporters. And with passionate New Democrats across Canada chipping in what they can, we’ve been able to accomplish a lot!

But we’re deep in campaign mode and the election is around the corner. People are counting on us.

Trudeau’s Liberal government has made it clear whose side they’re on. Spending billions on leaky pipelines, going out of their way to help out their rich friends at Loblaws and SNC–Lavalin, refusing to close tax loopholes that let the richest Canadians off the hook. Meanwhile, they haven’t followed through on their promises to everyday people.

And we can see the Conservatives aren’t the answer. They caused so many of the problems we’re facing now. They won’t deal with the housing crisis, tackle climate change, or help with the skyrocketing cost of prescriptions. And they certainly won’t stand up to powerful corporations.

We have an opportunity right now to show people that we can have leaders who make different choices. Leaders who understand what people are going through – that stand up to big corporations and fight for us.

We can defend the environment, create good jobs, and help make life more affordable at the same time. Our bold plan to tackle climate change right away includes making sure every existing home is renovated by 2050 – reducing emissions while saving families $900 money on their energy bills.

We’re pushing for 500,000 new units of affordable housing so more people can have a safe affordable place to live.

And we’re standing up to big pharmaceutical and insurance companies, and fighting for pharmacare that covers everyone – and saves families $500 a year whether they have insurance or not.

But if we’re going to cut through the noise with our big ideas, and make sure we’re not drowned out, we need resources. We need to send Jagmeet on tour to connect with people across the country. We need to hire and train campaign managers and organizers to support our candidates in their communities. We need to use ads and digital tools to make sure every single Canadian has heard about our leader and our plan.

And unlike the other parties, we have to do it without ultra-rich supporters.

That’s why you’ll see fundraising emails from me and many other members of our team – and I hope that today, or when you can, you’ll consider chipping in.


Thanks for being a part of our team,


Melissa Bruno
National Director
Canada’s NDP

Melissa Bruno has worked with federal and provincial NDP leaders for over 10 years, starting in Jack Layton's office in 2008, and continues to provide critical campaign and strategic direction for the party as National Director. Inspired by the ground game of NDP organizers, activists, and supporters across the country, Melissa manages the 'big picture' of the NDP. She was recruited by Hillary Clinton’s 2016 Presidential campaign to manage the (winning) West Denver, Colorado campaign. She is determined to fight for worker's pensions, pharmacare that covers everyone, and the solutions that Canadians deserve.


New Democratic Party of Canada

300-279 Laurier West, Ottawa, ON, K1P5J9 | 1-866-525-2555
