Hi John,

This is it. We have less than 24 hours until polls open in Maine’s Democratic Primary, and my campaign manager, Mike Rosenow, just told me we have to reach $20,000 between today and tomorrow in order to reach as many voters as possible.

Help us reach our goal of $20k with a contribution right now.

I announced my bid for U.S. Senate in June of last year, and to think that we now have only 24 hours left in our primary election. I’m excited because we’re seeing a groundswell for progressive ideas like Medicare for All and the Green New Deal. Every day is a new opportunity to take a step forward, and tomorrow is one of those times.

Will you contribute today, John, and take a step towards progress?
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No tangible, sustainable change was ever brought about incrementally, John. But that’s what my opponent Sara Gideon is offering. Slow change is no change! Right now our country cannot afford to wait. In the midst of a pandemic and ongoing heightened racial tension, we cannot have lukewarm policies.

So let’s make this happen today, John. With your support, we have every opportunity to win this election. We need a candidate who supports progressive policies like Medicare for All and the Green New Deal, and we need a candidate who can defeat Susan Collins in November as recent polling shows. Most importantly, John, we need to move forward for the next six years.

Will you chip in right now to help me unseat Susan Collins and move our country in the right direction?

In solidarity,

Betsy Sweet




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Betsy Sweet for U.S. Senate
PO Box 487
Hallowell, ME 04347
United States