Quick Update

Last week, my Guatemalan Socialist opponent, Rep. Norma J Torres, went into full blown attack mode. She publicly demanded that I withdraw from the race due to a left wing hit piece put out by Media Matters. Our consultant said that in 40 years of campaigning, he’s never seen an incumbent act so irrationally. Someone who usually wins by large margins, never even mentions the opponent, let along publicly attacks them…multiple times.

She’s scared. And she has every reason to be…

The Democrats have adopted a scorched earth policy in an attempt to de-rail President Trump’s re-election. And they are going to pay for it in November…if we can last that long. It is vitally important for us to gain a majority in the House of Representatives.

2 Timothy 2:4 says “No soldier in active service entangles himself in the affairs of everyday life, so that he may please the one who enlisted him as a soldier.”

November is do-or-die for the United States. I have volunteered to take a front line position in this fight so others don’t have to. They can hurl insults and call me every name in the book. But, I know exactly how to beat her and it isn’t going to take a lot of money. But it will take more than we have in the bank right now.

I had a politician the other day tell me “Get used to begging for money. A lot of times people will donate just to get you to stop bothering them.” I’m glad I’m not a politician. Maybe politicians are a big part of the problem? I am not going to beg anyone to save their own country! I’m here and I’m fighting already. It just makes it easier when I don’t have to worry about food and ammunition.

If you know of anyone in a position to help, please tell them about this race.

And if you would, please take a moment and visit the website, especially the “Issues” section. There may not be a Congressional race like ours in the country.


May God bless you and yours. And may God have mercy on the United States of America.