Folks, do you have a minute?

A poll came out a few days ago showing John Hickenlooper beating Cory Gardner in what would be a huge win for Democrats as we work to take back our government in this election.

Since then, Republicans have only ramped up their attacks. More misleading TV ads, more awful digital ads lined with half-truths, and more nasty oppo dumps against John and our campaign.

They’re getting desperate. They tried and failed to meddle in our Democratic primary. But if these new attacks are left unanswered they might finally find something that sticks.

So please, if you can afford it, make a donation to John’s campaign today to ensure we have the resources to stop Republicans from buying this Senate seat once again:

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thanks for all your help. As John’s campaign manager, I was real nervous when he told me he wasn’t going to take corporate PAC money in this election — but John was right to believe in folks like you to help us fund a winning campaign.

More soon.

— M.E.

M.E. Smith
Campaign Manager
Hick 2020