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This was an exciting week for the Maryland Green Party.

On Monday two Maryland Greens filed to run for office in November. You will hear more about each of those candidates in coming weeks.

Yesterday, at the first ever virtual Green Party Presidential Nominating Convention, the Green Party of the United States nominated Howie Hawkins and Angela Walker as their 2020 Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates. 

Now we need to make sure they are on the ballot in Maryland, we only need about 500 more signatures between now and August 1st.

If you are a registered voter in Maryland please take a moment to help the Green Party get on the ballot for November. It only takes a minute and the process is easy.

  1. Click on the link
  2. Provide your information as it appears on your voter id
  3. Type your digital signature!


Sign Now


Once you have signed you can help us get others to sign as well.

  1. Share on social media
  2. Send an email to your friends(click here for sample email)
  3. Sign up for phone banking training by contacting [email protected] with the subject "New Volunteer"

Maryland Green Party

Maryland Green Party · United States
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