Dear John,
"Enbridge is now laying the groundwork for another pipeline throughout Wisconsin.  This ‘twin’ line will carry even more tar sands oil south to refineries, where it will likely be exported to the world market.  Transporting these toxic, flammable substances leaves Wisconsin’s families, property owners, and taxpayers to bear all the risks, with little or no reward.

... This ‘twin’ pipeline could give Wisconsin the two largest tar sands pipelines in the world, outside of Russia." 
- WiSE Alliance

Join us this Tuesday

350 Milwaukee

350 Milwaukee Meeting
Tuesday, July 14, 7 - 8:30pm

Zoom Virtual Meeting

Wisconsin's Pipeline Problem

Phyllis Hasbrouck, Organizer for Wisconsin Safe Energy Alliance (WiSE Alliance) will engage us on "What is the state of Wisconsin's pipelines?".  This is especially timely when you consider the Enbridge Line 5 Reroute proposal (under WI DNR review) and The Governor's Task Force on Climate Change are both currently underway.

Phyllis' presentation will be followed by a discussion of ongoing actions and how we, and you, can get involved and take action.

Join us and bring ideas!


Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 823 2354 9501
One tap mobile

+13126266799,,82323549501# US (Chicago)

The Governor's Task Force on Climate Change
Virtual Listening Session #5
Wednesday, July 15, 6 - 8pm CDT

The next, and last, listening session is this Wednesday, July 15, at 6pm. The virtual listening session will be hosted on Zoom and can be accessed by using this link:


Call: 1 (312) 626-6799

Meeting ID: 365 565 6200

Password: 219745

If you have any questions, please email: [email protected]

Wisconsin public hearings site

Go here - the RENEW Wisconsin site - for more info, links, RENEW's viewpoint, help preparing live comments (not required), written comments, and more.

Governor Evers Climate Change Task Force – Now is Your Chance for Input! - RENEW Wisconsin

2020 Wisconsin Elections

Partisan Primary: August 11, 2020
General Election: November 3, 2020

Do you know that you can request your absentee ballots for the remainder of 2020 NOW?

You can also register to vote and update your voter profile on the site.

Because you are on our mailing list we assume you have more than a casual interest in climate change and its impact on our future, or you're monitoring our activity. If you are in the first group, you understand the importance of voting this year. Here are some resources to shorten your search for candidate information.  

The sample ballots for the August 11 primary are available now. - Wisconsin government site with tabs for six key voting functions - The tab for requesting absentee ballots

See a sample ballot for your address at:

Visit us at:

 You are receiving this email because you signed up at an event or on our website.  To update your contact information, or to unsubscribe from this list, please click here.
Mailing Address:
4142 Newhall St.
Shorewood, WI 53211

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