The 2020 election will have major consequences for all of our day-to-day lives...

Friend, I want to make sure you saw this alarming statement from The New York Times:

With “nearly 130 pandemic-related election lawsuits,” 2020’s vote is “on track to be the most litigated ever.” [1]

Here’s what that looks like:

Just this week, a federal court blocked the full restoration of voting rights for 774,00 Floridians with felony records. They overruled a lower court judge, who found the state’s law requiring returning citizens to pay fines and fees before voting to be an unconstitutional poll tax.  

That case is now headed to the U.S. Supreme Court -- which means whether hundreds of thousands of Floridians are allowed to vote may not be decided until after November.

Just as alarming is the recent announcement by the Republican National Committee that it will spend at least $20 million on lawsuits to obstruct efforts to let every voter cast their ballot safely during this pandemic. [2]

AND, this shameless act is timed to coincide with Trump’s flood of disinformation against voting by mail -- at the very moment the Center for Disease Control is recommending that Americans use vote-by-mail if they can. [3]

As I told the New York Times, “This has nothing to do with the safety and security of the election. It’s clear their intention is to limit access to the ballot for people who they think won’t vote for them.”

They must be stopped. That’s why we’re preparing to go to court to block these cynical acts of vote suppression. And why, at the same time, we’re also mobilizing thousands of Election Protection volunteers to defend voters on Election Day.

Frankly, what we face is nothing less than a David and Goliath battle for democracy. We’re up against a well-funded, baldly partisan effort to deny many Americans their fundamental right to vote -- exploiting this pandemic to deny them any say in this critically important election.

Here’s where all this leaves us and why I’m writing with such urgency: right now, we are fighting for necessary voting reforms in state legislatures, at local boards of elections, and in the courts. We’re working to ensure every eligible American -- whether they are Democratic, Republican, or Independent -- can vote this year.

And, we are prepared to defend democracy in court from the GOP’s multi-million dollar legal juggernaut.

But even if we’re successful, such a high volume of voting litigation is likely to cause uncertainty for millions of voters -- made even more uncertain by last-minute election changes in many states due to the pandemic.

So win or lose, we’ll also need to invest major resources in voter education. For example, even a successful lawsuit to extend polling hours only makes a difference if voters know about it. And as we work to expand vote-by-mail and other reforms, we also must push back against Trump’s dishonest attempts to discourage the public and his supporters from using it.

Friend, all of this is to say: we must make a major financial commitment to see this fight through -- from now until November -- to make sure the 2020 election is free, fair, and secure.

Common Cause is preparing right now to do just that, and that’s why I’m urgently writing to ask you to do your part right now.

It’s been our mission to protect, preserve, and expand American democracy for 50 years. We’ve gotten results, thanks to the generosity and support of Common Cause members like you.

My special request of you to help meet this extraordinary challenge is to urge you to become a Guardian for Democracy today. Let me explain why.

Becoming a Guardian for Democracy is one of the most cost-effective ways you can financially support this urgent work. You see, with a small monthly gift of $10, $15, or $25, you’ll help ensure we have the resources we need to keep fighting through this election and beyond to protect EVERY voter’s voice.

I urge you to become a Guardian for Democracy today. You'll be immediately making an impact for voters in November and beyond.

Yes, I'll sign up as a Guardian for Democracy! >>

I'll Sign Up!

Sorry, I can't become a sustaining member at this time, but I’d still like to make a one-time gift to help where it’s needed most.

Our next opportunity to act is upon us -- Congress is crafting the next COVID-19 response package right now. It’s absolutely critical that this bill protects our democracy -- including full election funding, protection for the US Postal Service, and ample funding for the 2020 Census.

Common Cause members like you have been a critical voice throughout the negotiations, ensuring that March’s CARES Act included some of that needed funding, as well as oversight for how the bailout money gets spent. [4] And, Common Cause members helped us pass the HEROES Act through the U.S. House -- which fully funds our democracy priorities alongside other important measures. [5]

Here's the important part: even if Trump and his allies would rather turn their backs on efforts to protect our elections, they’re under major pressure to address the economic and public health crisis our nation faces.

In short, they need to pass something -- because doing nothing in an election year would be just too politically perilous.

That gives us a real opportunity to get our top priorities -- especially ones with overwhelming bipartisan support, like fully funding the 2020 elections -- into the next COVID relief bill.

BUT, that will happen only if we can mobilize a massive pressure campaign -- aiming thousands of calls and letters at lawmakers on the fence. And, we need to take on this mass mobilization on top of all the important actions Common Cause members are undertaking in their communities to prepare for November.

Even after we’re successful in Congress, we’ll then need to keep the heat on -- to ensure the election funding we win is spent fairly, accountably, and effectively, while defending the reforms we win from partisan lawsuits or obstruction.

It’s my personal hope that you will join in this extraordinary effort -- by making sure we have the essential resources to protect the voters between now and November 3rd.

By becoming a Guardian for Democracy -- and joining this special group of Common Cause members who’ve agreed to make a monthly commitment to our work -- you’ll be helping us plan and budget for the weeks and months ahead.

Knowing we can count on your regular, monthly support not only helps us budget and plan -- it ensures we’ll have funds on hand and are ready to respond whenever and wherever the vote suppressors strike.

Yes, I'll sign up as a Guardian for Democracy! >>

Sorry, I can't become a sustaining member at this time, but I’d still like to make a one time gift to help where it’s needed most.

The 2020 election will have major consequences for all of our day-to-day lives -- and it’s critical that every eligible voter’s right to be heard is upheld.

That won’t happen without hard work and a personal commitment by each of us -- work I’m so glad to do alongside you.

Thanks for all you are doing,

Sylvia Albert, Director of Voting and Elections
and the team at Common Cause


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