Weekend Edition, July 11-12, 2020

Dispatch From the Front

Rod Peet, Jr.

COVID: What Was the Plan All Along?

Jon Rappoport

A Man For All Seasons: How a Great Man and a Great Film Have Lessons for Us Now

Yvonne Lorenzo

Will Economics Fall to Politics?

Jeff Deist

Now What?

James Howard Kunstler

Century-old BCG Vaccine Used To Eradicate Tuberculosis ‘Reduces the Chance of Death from Covid-19’, Study Confirms


Plan B Is Here! A Novel Approach to Treating COVID-19 Using Nutritional and Oxidative Therapies

Dr. David Brownstein

The New ‘Systemic Racism’ That Is Coming

Patrick J. Buchanan

Has the Durham Investigation of the Russiagate Hoax Been Deep-Sixed?

Paul Craig Roberts

Scientists Devise New Plan ToTest if Mysterious ‘Planet Nine’ Is Primordial Black Hole


With Idaho Still Trembling, Is Yellowstone Supervolcano Eruption Looming Just Ahead?


42% of All COVID-19 Deaths Occurred in Nursing Homes

Dr. Joseph Mercola

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