Dear Friend, We could all use some good news these days. For me, the incredible interest in gardening during COVID-19 is truly inspiring. Gardening is a safe activity that can be done at home and is good for our health and the planet As we're seeing the cracks in our industrial food system, building the skills to grow your own food can be empowering. Growing our own food nourishes our bodies better than store-bought produce that's travelled thousands of miles, probably sprayed with toxic chemicals, and possibly grown or picked with forced labor. This reaffirms what's good for our bodies is also good for the planet. With COVID and racism at the forefront of our minds, we see how the climate crisis is deeply intertwined with both of these issues. Global warming is likely to contribute to more pandemics and natural disasters and will undoubtedly hit those marginalized by unjust social and economic systems the hardest. One thing you can do is grow a Climate Victory Garden that draws down carbon from the atmosphere as part of the climate solution for a more stable and equitable future. Receive an organic cotton, US-made Climate Victory Gardens T-shirt if you or a friend register a garden. After you've registered, let us know your shirt size. |