Dear Friend, 
Thank you for your support. In case you missed it, our campaign was endorsed by a few organizations this week.
I've always stood with labor. Tennessee’s working families need Washington’s support now more than ever, and I’ll continue fighting on their behalf in Congress. I will continue doing everything I can to protect access to unions, ensure fair treatment for workers, and stop the attacks on workers' rights. I'm proud to have the endorsement of TN AFL-CIO. 
Republicans in Tennessee are consistently hostile towards a woman's right to choose. Access to reproductive healthcare is on the line this election. Donald Trump is committed to overturning Roe, and Planned Parenthood has led the fight to ensure that never happens. I'm honored to have earned their support. 
Tennesseans are in favor of stronger laws for responsible gun ownership, and the NRA knows its extreme politics are losing support. But Tennessee still has some of the worst rates of gun violence in the nation, so we have to keep fighting. I will continue to support sensible gun violence prevention measures and am proud to have earned the distinction of a Moms Demand Action Gun Sense Candidate.
How can you help during GOTV?
Click here to find out what you can to help boost the campaign and help us get out the vote!
With 6 days until the beginning of early voting, your help will go a long way to ensure we win in August and are prepared to make Donald Trump a one term President come November.
Keep updated on our campaign by following our social media pages.
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Please don't hesitate to ever reach out if you need anything from me. My cell phone number is 615-714-1719


(615) 255-4546 | [email protected] | For more information, visit

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Cooper for Congress
P.O. Box 198497
Nashville TN 37219 United States